Have you every visited a health practice and been convinced to book-in session after session for a small niggle, or strain or a kind of pain that commonly presents itself as muscular?
Did you every feel that the rehab exercises given to help fix the injury were very straight forward involving a basic level of common sense that the average person, let alone sporting or health professional could figure out?
Have you every had a massage that felt nice but just didn’t get into the right spots?
Well that above three points are exactly what we are NOT about at Touch Point…
Maybe all you really need is some attention to detail and a treatment that is specific to your ailment….
Maybe all you need is a health-care practitioner who is honest and forthright in his or her approach as to what will help you over come muscular and postural dysfunction for the long term gain of your health
At Touch Point out treatments focus on not only ironing out the pain symptoms but also giving attention the area of dysfunction. Not only do we give a firm massage treatment, loosening off knots and adhesion’s and releasing tight fascia but we also give you an awareness into your basic body maintenance and management…